Here I sit in at my computer thinking that I should be going to bed now. But I just finished watching a movie, and it made such a huge impression on me that I had to come write now before I forgot what I wanted and needed to say.
This movie was about a high school football coach. From the very beginning it was clear that this man was not living on Easy Street. Not financially or in any other way. It seemed that everything was going wrong for him. His football team was losing every game. His car was on it’s last leg. The house that he and his wife owned was older and had many things that needed to be fixed. His players didn’t have their hearts in the game. People were having meetings behind his back about firing him and replacing him with a new coach. And he found out after four years of trying to have children that it was impossible for him to reproduce. No human being on the face of this earth can fault the man for asking “What is God doing in all of this?”
And yet, he made one simple choice. No matter how difficult or overwhelming were the obstacles in his life, he would hand each and every concern or worry or doubt over to God. And he would trust and praise God in every circumstance. Whether he liked the outcome or not.
The name of this movie was “Facing the Giants”.
1 Samuel Ch. 17 details the moments leading up to David coming face to face with a Philistine giant. If you don’t already know the story, the Israelite army was set to fight a battle with the Philistine army. But they were all afraid. Matter of fact, they were even afraid to go up against even one of the Philistines. As they all stood quaking in their boots, David came to bring his brothers bread and grain. He heard the giant shouting at the Israelites and determined in his heart to end the ranting of the Philistine. He appeared before the king, Saul, who told him that he was only a boy and that he was unable to fight such a giant. After David convinced Saul to let him go up against the Philistine, Saul tried to protect David by having him use his armor. But David wanted nothing to do with it. He went with only five smooth stones and a sling. The outcome he left in the hands of God Almighty. 1 Samuel 17:45-46&48-50 say, “David said to the Philistine, ‘You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will hand you over to me’…. As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him. Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown on the ground. So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.”
David conquered the giant because of his faith in God Almighty. Not because of his own wisdom or strength. He chose to listen to God instead of those who only looked at what they could see. His hope was in the unseen.
And so was the hope of the coach in the movie. And because of that faith, God moved in mighty ways to prove that He is indeed who he says he is. The team played football in a manner that would give glory to the God that gave them life. They decided that win or lose they would praise God. So their hearts and their individual lives were changed. Others in their school were influenced and a revival occurred. The team began to win games. The coach not only kept his job, but also received a raise. He also received a brand new truck from one of the players and his dad to replace his non-working vehicle. The team lost a playoff game, but the “winning” team was disqualified, and thus the coach and his team went to the state finals. The name of the team they faced was the Giants. The guys were big, and they had almost three times as many guys on their team. The Eagles, as they saw the Giants run out on the field, were intimidated. They were getting clobbered for awhile, but then they were reminded to go out and give it all they had, to leave the outcome to God, and praise Him no matter what the outcome. When all was said and done, David the second string kicker, kicked the winning goal. But he knew and so did every member of the team that it was God’s doing that they had won. And God was glorified as He should have been. Lives were changed because people saw the power of God at work in the members of that team.
And that is exactly what I want to happen in my life. So keep watching. Because God is at work in me and my family. Even when everything looks hopeless. Someday the giants in my life will fall. And when they do, I know exactly to whom I will be giving all of the glory!
By the way, the coach’s wife also found out that God had performed another miracle. She found out the day of the state finals that she was going to have a baby! It may have been a movie, but indeed that is the work of the God that I serve and love!
God, in your word, Matthew 19:26 it says, “Jesus looked at them and said, ’ With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible’ ”. And that is exactly what I believe! You are the one true God and your will will be accomplished and your name glorified in my life. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your plan to show people your love and mercy and power! In your mighty name, AMEN!